You may find yourself having to raise the funds to pay yourself. Despite the budget challenges, working with non-profits is always morally fulfilling.
Just got this email from PR Newswire and I thought I would share it for all of you who are working with non profits.
Register its free!
Great Marketing and PR Strategies on a Non-Profit Budget
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
10:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Mountain, 12:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Eastern
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
You don't need to have deep pockets to execute a successful marketing or PR campaign, but you do need to have a great strategy. Even big businesses with huge marketing budgets will fail if they don't have effective strategies backing up their campaigns.
Join PR Newswire for a FREE webinar and find out how you can use your resources and creativity to come up with great communications strategies that will help you get results and leave you with money to spare in your marketing and PR budget.
Guest Presenter: Kelley Weir, American Humane Association