Wednesday, July 20, 2011

PR In the Headlines

Not quite a sitting duck, but well, these are larger fish  The Rupert Murdock saga continues and PR gets the headline.  Perception is reality and from this Hollywood Reporter headline the appearance to me is that Steven Rubenstein will be doing some dirty work. Do you get that?  The PR professional sharing the same prominence as the lawyer.  At least we are getting some attention and prominence if for the wrong reason.  A school of thought says all publicity is good.  Maybe Rubenstein will have the Johnnie Cochran effect and come up with his own cool slogan. "if the glove don't fit..."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

PR Practioners Don't Think Up Stories: My Response to Mail Online Story

I read the Mail Online story “Insider reveals: PR men would think up a story and Rebekah’s Sun and News of the World would run it word for word. Some were complete fiction” ( and was pretty much disgusted as a former journalism student and more so as a seasoned PR practitioner.
Clearly the story was fired with the passion of a disgruntled employee but despite this fact I took issue with the salacious depiction of the field of public relations.  I take issue with the suggestion that we in the profession ‘think up’ stories.  Yes writing is a big part of what we do, but to say we sit and dream up stories for clients shows a total disregard and lack of respect for the profession.  Professional Code of Ethics governs the way the majority of professionals work on a daily basis.  Both PRSA ( and IABC ( have these codes prominent on their websites. READ FULL STORY