Sunday, March 9, 2008

PR Landscape

There is a sweet buzz sweeping the Caribbean about the profession that has me so excited I decided to join in quickly. Having been introduced to pr many light years ago in Jamaica I have witnessed a transformation in the way we do business then and now.

I remember my lecturer at CARIMAC (don't remember her name) telling us of how she and her business partner staked out the Pegasus Hotel at lunch time and how sometimes all they could afford was a glass of water, but getting clients back then meant the perception of affluence and success and being seen in the right quarters.

Today networking is equally important but our networking has gone global through the popularizing of Internet technology. Although I studied television which can be considered a technical field, the Internet and computers is another ball game but here I am creating my own blog, with the help of Google of course, all by myself.

And you maybe anywhere in the globe are reading my thoughts on the profession. The fact of the matter is although web technology is becoming so simple a "dummy" can use it, a number or should I say a lot of persons (with the economic power) and the key decision makers are scared and resistant to the technology, what makes matters even worst are the host of illegal Internet and email scams which drives more fear into newbies and older persons for the technology than Bajans are of the sea.

Take me for example. I was looking for some inexpensive web hosting options for my company PRMR Inc. and of course I Googled web hosting, found the top ten hosts chose not the cheapest but the in between which happened to be Blue Host. No reference nothing, but I figured if it was on the top ten list and middle in price so it should be okay. Then I googled what persons had to say and of course they were some negative and positive but mostly positive comments. I then proceeded to buy my package and go on my way merrily. But the next day what happened threw me in a panic. When I tried to access the site there was a big fraud warning with an identity thief message. Gosh I nearly wet my pants because being a television pimp I had watched the Identity thief movie. Worst yet I tried to contact the company which advertised to having 24 hours, 7 days a week service with no response. I called the telephone line which gave the number of a very suggestive adult service. Of course I did not call the number because I didn't want my telephone credit stolen as well. What could a girl do at this point well I call my bank, canceled the card, unfortunately they told me I had to wait to see whether the transaction could be canceled. The lesson here is that the Internet can really be a very scary place and that we should only do business with recognizable brands or with brands who you can get a credible reference from.

This experience has not dampened my zeal for the Internet as a matter of fact it has made me even more keen and interested. It was like my baptism now I can go forth and preach the gospel.

I am joining all those wonderful Caribbean professionals who are gathering to bring a higher level of professionalism to our craft in the region. I commend those who have gone before me and hope that my two cents will make the region and the profession the more richer.

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