Monday, December 19, 2011

Press Release or Advertising? When Did we Cross the Line?

There was a time when a press release was a press release, and advertising was advertising.  The difference was clear.

In media school we were taught that an ad was ‘paid for’ content which comes in the exact form you created or dictated, while a press release was published at the discretion of an editor, who had license to do whatever he or she willed with it. This is all well and good.  However, how do you explain to the upcoming students the differences in our craft when seasoned professionals pay scant respect to the discipline? READ MORE

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Public Relations Defined

The Public Relations Society of America has launched a project to have its members and others submit definitions for Public Relations.  I read a number of stories surrounding this project and felt as if all of them were mine.  Especially Rosanne Fiske’s story on your family not understanding what you do.  When I worked at the Nation Newspaper as it Corporate Communications Manager, my mother was fine with that because she understood the concept of working for a reputable organization no matter the job.  When I set up my own PR Agency  she was however very worried for me because she could not fathom how I would make money and what service I was truly offering.
The PRSA 1982 National Assembly formally adopted a definition of public relations, which remains widely accepted and used today: “Public relations helps an organization and its publics 
adapt mutually to each other.”READ MORE